This is the first photograph
I have seen in several years
which spontaneously inspired
me to possess it. I'm happy
to be able to recall, having
met it fatal moments ago, a
primary and pure effect. It
was published with a frame
of reference that I resisted
investigating, and possibly
always will.
By common practice, this is
how a creative publication
is often read. Here, the
publisher is in the place
where this page has been
described, its writing be-
ing the privileged image,
collateral data resisted. It
just happens to be the fate
of that publication, for
the writing to be the pho-
tograph. We all prosper in
our own way.
The picture at the center
of this discussion is the
work of one of my favour-
ite writers of the day.
I pretty entirely love it.
Now with that frame of ref-
erence, I have invaded it,
and certainly your impres-
sion of it. This indelicacy
was not intended. I have
never doubted, it is sound
to read for the pictures.
I wish everyone a superb