I hadn't bought myself a present in
so long, I was feeling quite gloom-
ily out of practice. What to do,
what to do, what to do, I found my-
self muttering, almost audibly, can
you believe, rotating down the bal-
cony in a final settling of my cuff
upon my instep, its gentle break be-
lying all the labour in its fitting.
Should I venture down to Assouline,
I found myself mourning, now self-
doubtful of my avarice, and mime an-
other purchase of the swells; I won-
dered if they'd recognise this ennui
for what it is, or if I'd have to
book a table mid-town for 4, just
to open up my parcel to the gasp of
every waiter wafting Floris from his
What's become of all my shop-ping sprees' epiphanies of purpose, amidst entire indus-tries devoted to specifying what they must entail. I sense I need another villa to comply with these ukases, if not at least to blog of them, discreetly to the monde. Sat-urday used to be more generous with its hours, when the spec-tacle of my pleasures could go almost unnoticed - except to those who shared them, without the effrontery of enterprising Baedekers, dossiers purporting to exhibit delight in the dross of their own image. It's enough to incline one to disinvest in the imagination, and any thought of the city.