My English Cocker Spaniel
cannot be presented to il-
lustrate this announcement
of his attaining the age of
6 months, today, because he
is out of groom at the mom-
ent. We were just about to
tidy him up when it became
known that he had totalled
a second pair of topsiders,
as I was digging out a cita-
tion for our Court's latest
parody of jurisprudence. Let
this be a lesson to us all:
do not blog unshod, at least
about our liberties; and do
comb out your dog from time
to time. You might unearth
a shoelace in his masquerade.
Thorny, for his part, is not
entirely unscandinavian, be-
ing descended from some Nor-
wegians on his father's side.
English dogs do get around.