Anyone who undertakes an inquiry
of such a [forensic] kind is
soon made aware of one important
fact: the worthlessness of human
testimony. It is a chastening
thought to a historian to consider
how much of history is written on
the basis of statements no more
reliable than those of Admiral
Doenitz .. If such statements had
been made and recorded with refer-
ence to the disputed death of the
Czar Alexander I in 1825, plenty
of historians would have been ready
to take them seriously.
What might I be ready
to take seriously, if
not a gentle teaching
that frees me from a-
lienation of distrust?
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Student [Fellow] of
Christ Church, Oxford
Late Regius Professor
of Modern History
The Last Days of Hitler
Introduction to the
Third Edition
University of Chicago Press
Sixth Edition, 1987©