The beach restores one to
responses of conviviality
and discretion, exertions
as natural (it is natural
to believe) as inhalation
and other delectations of
a pleasing walk. It's al-
ways reasonable to keep a
care for one's noggin, as
one might happen upon the
best directed flight of a
He glanced aside and upwards: that coxcomb of phosphorence ... If you are lying down under fire - flat under pretty smart fire - and you have only a paper bag in front of your head for cover you feel immeasurably safer than you do without it. You have a mind at rest. This must be the same thing.
One can't know how much a
mane of paranoia could be
worth in an election, but
that affliction is not to
be recommended as policy.
As it rises this evening,
to claim the embrace of a
Party volunteering raptly
to be mad, it will not be
proper to mock its disab-
ling of the soul. It asks
for vaccination; it would
be ungenerous to condemn,
and not aspire to stop it.
A Man Could Stand Up --
Parade's End
Alfred A. Knopf, 1961©
op. cit.
32nd President
of the United States
1882 - 1945
Summer, 1897
ii Damon Winter
The New York Times©
July 19, 2016