Friday, March 1, 2019

Suppose it were Friday clxx: Or Kashmir

Now and again, at various hours 
of a day, it can be entirely pos-
sible for an active mind to won-
der what it's doing in Virginia.
We remark on this as lightly as
we can, who hold any equity in
our residence, but you can read
it, where our trousers wrinkle
and in the occasional irregular
nail. Friday focuses the matter.

The problem of Pakistan-envy, a
not unprevalent risk of Fridays,
is every bit as delicate to dis-
cuss. Merely to envision a soci-
ety where sectarian prejudices
are not only indulged, but pos-
itively fellated, and ethnic di-
versity the very stuff of target
practice by every practicable
means, is to restore the innoc-
uous traditionalist in Everyman
to the full, upright position.

What could be more natural, to
propose, in exchange for one
mir, the transfer of one black-
face Governor and incorrigibly
finitely? We could even sweet-
en the deal with our HQ offices
of the NRA, intractable heroic
statuary, and Falwellian "uni-
versity," without overpaying.

But then the spell is broken,
and the Virginian realizes he
has nothing to be anxious for,
no basis for Pakistan envy, af-
ter all. There are some 1,200

Charlie Heaton

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