Of all the barbarities made famous by the American President, the re- mark, I, alone, can fix it affords the most pristine image of proven- ance one could want. It feels odd, therefore, to find pretenders busy scrambling to articulate some cure of our unease, by application of a vanity only more decorous than his. The project of leading is a craft, disciplined with humble confession. All his kind confess only a genius.
One has to be able to enjoy a dis- crimination notwithstanding a wave of popular feeling these days, for the proposition that anything good is good anywhere. The sea and wine share a context in common, called, the air, in which an inhalation of the one is irreconcilable with the same gesture toward the other. The complication imposed on breathing, then, is not the least of the con- siderations to be invoked in favor of keeping them apart. They antag- onize each other in numerous other ways, with the deck heavily stack- ed in favor of the sea, but I need cite only one more to satisfy this observation. The quality of solit- ude with the one is so immeasurab- ly finer than with the other, that it would never occur to us to say, I don't care for the sea with wine . .