Saturday, March 7, 2015
Saturday commute civ: Perils of staying over
I think, our betters at
The Lancet struck just
the right tone, on how
the most insidious hab-
its insinuate themsel-
ves, to say nothing of
undermining discipline,
and generating laundry.
Today's food environ-
ments exploit people's
biological, psycholog-
ical, social and econ-
omic vulnerabilities,
making it easier for
them to eat unhealthy
The Lancet
Obesity 2015
February 18, 2015
Elsevier, Ltd., 2015©
Friday, March 6, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Echoes of The Bacchae
To deny the existence of red
is to deny the existence of mystery.
The soul which does so will one day go mad.
I will never know how you see red
and you will never know how I see
it. But this separation of consci-
ousness is recognized only after
a failure of communication ..
Anne Carson
Autobiography of Red
A Novel in Verse
xxxii. Kiss
Alfred A. Knopf, 1998©
Jacob Young
Select, London
Sending out for Boehner and Bibi
Timing is everything.
Many, who couldn't bear
the thought of risking in-
gestion as Bibi and Boeh-
ner trade robust resolve,
will have underestimated
the duration of their act.
If there is no stalwart
student pizza agency in
your town down the road
(and one can't believe,
there isn't), it's incum-
bent upon one rudimentar-
ily to improvise a repast.
If the soothings of pizza
seem an incongruous pair-
ing for rhetoric to rouse
the blood, the transfats,
alone, support the direst
apoplexy, with all the
panache of anchovy.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Flies of the Lord: Bibi and Boehner at play
One spoiled child of
martial impunity, and
our own ill-bred ditz,
the lads have brought
one step further than
they may ever be able
to survive. What will
they not bring down?
It is everyone's task,
it seems to me, not to
but to remember their
authors as foreseeable
accomplices in shame,
and wash each other in
restorative remembrance.
There are fragilities
of trust and contradic-
tory strains upon con-
viction, in being spon-
sors of a nation state
sheltering an ethnicity,
to end the terrorism of
ethnicity, which every
day are open to inter-
nal betrayals by hubris.
These, they give us to
see, and not deny. This,
these flies of the Lord
Possibly, the extraor-
dinary scandal they
precipitate before us,
may hoist the scaffold
to their common folly:
arrogant aggression
and racist meannness,
on the most saturating
scale these two states
have hosted in 3 gen-
erations, may dissolve
in sweet ablutions of
electoral response.
How fair's the tide?