I take it that as you have
come alone
you have been unsuccessful.
Not at all.
I have come to remind you -
you have made a decision.
Are you thinking that I
have changed my mind?
No. You will not be ready
to change your mind
Until you recover from
having made a decision.
I sometimes wonder, how our
reading represents a series
of decisions about texts al-
most as much as writing does.
led this question to be re-
freshed in a posting on the
30th, of several estimable
writers as they appear in a
scrapbook of a noted country
house. I take the liberty of
reading that information in
this way, but it deserves a
glance from everyone.
For my part, I'm simply glad
of an excuse to revisit an
ly, with a frustration I've
found invigorating, of ever
being sure I've been right.
In this state I think one
finds the natural pitch of
T.S. Eliot
1888 - 1965
The Cocktail Party
A Comedy
I, iii
Harcourt, Brace, 1950©