I don't know who this is
but I know what he means.
I assimilated that char-
acter of life from those
who went through it, who
lent scope and shape, to
a degree, to my own time.
I don't know who this is
but I know what he means.
Not through rhetoric but
through experience, some
spontaneous recognitions
affix themselves through
him to my understandings.
I don't know who this is
but I know what he means.
Not through rhetoric and
experience except in the
present in America, with
its harshnesses gathered
through time as if those
freshman numerals belong
to a jacket gone missing.
I don't know who this is
but I know what he means.
He means to sharpen vow-
els as consonants, fork-
ing us himself with pon-
iards of thrilling male-
volence, a jackboot mor-
on to soothe indignation
and deny reconciliations.
Not that this means he's
not an inexhaustibly use-
ful fool in his own sabo-
tage. Just as Republican
sages planned to exploit
his frailties, they show-
ed themselves as darken-
ing their own tidy name.
Oh, my. The scheme is up
in smoke; their embraces
of each other nullify it.
Geoff Brown
Worker in a tire shop