What is more interesting, than that the citations of Horace here outpoll those of Frank O'Hara? For one thing, I think we can say, Reaganism killed abstract expressionism: today's temper is remarkably materialist and literal. Who can mind? Augustus made the literal more glorious than we've ever done.
Very well, then. When we say, home, we must mean houseplacething, where olderpeople still live and make their noises; not center, not core, but real estate. And we don't mind this, either. (Frank O'Hara didn't much care about a home). It just means that Whit and I cannot consider going home, and we would very much like to do that.
And we don't mean, for a fresh shirt.
Gyges, driven ashore
At Oricum by the storm that the Wild Goat
Constellation was the cause of, weeps, Alone, through the sleepless night.
The Odes
iii, 7, 2
David Ferry, translation
op. cit.