We concur:
kick back.
If we don't
tell Satur-
day what to
do, it will
soon enough
tell us.
Sliver of the
moon through
the woods down
I'm not sure
if we were
meant to see.
Every star
out, too.
It's what it
looked like,
and looks
like as we
look again.
When you are philoso-
phising, you have to
descend into primeval
chaos, and feel at
home there.
We still think of the
oppression of the ques-
tion. But then one is
always restored, by the
explosion of the answer.
Are we the
Tea Party?
We see the
flattery -
yet hear a
I think it
speaks for
fair play.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Culture and Value
Basil Blackwell
G.H. von Wright
op. cit.
We don't have any
opening just now.
I'm not here for
what you have; I
am here for what
I've fairly won.
In 2008, we had a "change election"
which took remarkable hold, against
the very most vulgar resistance. It
goes on, in both Parties; but it is
the one whose property it is, we do
rush to invigorate with its origins.
It's trusteeship. Now a Clinton has
promised the Brookings Institution,
she will contrive to bind all Pres-
idents who may follow her pending
reign, to warfare against Iran for
hypotheticals which may worry her.
Ignoring the vessel of the promise,
it's the thought that counts. She
has assimilated nothing of the ge-
nius of a cause, of which she now
claims to be a prudent parent.
This is not the Constitution, much
less the civilisation, one should
wish upon a kennel for one's dogs.
Even the Pavlovian reflex requires
actual provocation, to go to war;
but is that species our baseline?
The principles of an honest intel-
lect cannot be blackmailed again,
by warnings of doom from that sec-
tor's messenger, even if familiar,
admonishing us to get to bed, and
not expect a candidacy of reason.
To no one's great awe, The Post
has trotted forward Ignatius and
Marcus, to intone that her belli-
cosity's exactly the right basis
for further discussion. An imper-
ious consensus, if not a new one.
How tiresomely they mime what we
rejected decisively, in 2008.
Oh, yes. They will warn of a cor-
rupting of the Courts, a lowering
of obligations among the well-to-
do, a curdling in béarnaise. Let
there be the trials we've endured,
and learned to master, before any
taunting to renounce our progress.
Who caused it? Who'd preserve it?
I suppose, it is a feature of age,
not merely to sympathise more than
is welcome, with the trials of the
present, but to perceive them, al-
most as a corollary of lengthy re-
flection, as potentially rather a
godsend to the young - who can be
counted on (much to the amusement
of the gods who envy them) to ex-
perience their challenges as com-
paratively self-defining. I offer
to admit, from one's own super-an-
uation, they simply are not. That
said, I never thought this at the
I associate the university, that
Yale is in my mind, with the life
and mind of a predecessor of ours,
Socrates. This is because my ex-
perience of Yale comes from the
dialogues of law students with an
indefatigably questioning inter-
locutor; and while I learned, e-
ven in college elsewhere, to val-
ue that intensity of interest in
the question put before my mind,
to engage, I appreciated there an
inherently infinite contestibil-
ity in such questions. It isn't
that a right answer cannot exist.
It's that the answer can't com-
pare with the vitality of the
question. It is on the basis of
this simple fact, that I condone
the education of lawyers at the
very most demanding institutions:
if one gets out of Yale without
humility, that principle suffers.
Hence, Clarence Thomas, and the
But I stray. At Yale these days,
there is a buzz to defrock an
undergraduate college of its
namesake, John C. Calhoun - the
noted South Carolinian theorist
of white supremacy, nullification
of national law, and awkward hair.
Students movingly remark upon the
ordeal of studying beneath commem-
orations of a racist alumnus. Who
would not?
The undergraduate motive of reform
is one we all exercised and never
forget; but it's no betrayal or re-
nunciation of that urgent feeling,
to say that it can hope for too
much, and in the wrong place. The
question is never, in an institu-
tion going on 300+ years, whose
university the place is (anyway).
The question is whether one is
capable of accepting responsibil-
ity, today, for the choice one has
made to engage in it - knowing, a
paradox lurks in some nomenclature.
Where on earth, may we demand an
apology from the past?
On the other hand, how best can we
remit the inference of insult or
worse, in the encumbrance of in-
heritances we'd never shape as they
are today?
Yale appears to be on the verge of
offering tentative answers to the
question, and one can't help but be
certain of the place's awareness,
that any answer must lack the per-
manence of the question. Hence,
Yale. And may it never be easy.