I don't know anything
about substituting hon-
ey for sugar so I don't
do it. But I do believe
in the health-giving
properties (if only men-
tal) of honey ..
I tolerate my own apathy as long
as it remains within limits, that
is, as long as it is only the tem-
porary reaction of one whose spir-
it is exhausted by the constant ef-
fort of making distinctions and sim-
ply needs a rest. It would be more
serious, however, if something of
the indifference I sometimes feel
were to leave its mark.. Indiffer-
ence and resignation, I believe,
are the most serious forms of hu-
man decline into nothingness.. I
hope no such decline threatens me.
Jeremiah Tower
Donald Sultan, paintings
Jeremiah Tower Cooks:
250 Recipes from an
American Master
op. cit.
Václav Havel
Letters to Olga
June 1970 - September 1982
February 22, 1981
Paul Wilson
Alfred A. Knopf, 1988©