Those skeptics among us,
that is, who doubted our
mass transit systems' a-
bility to generate pres-
tige, for lack of a hood
We haven't spoken enough
about an egalitarian re-
ality in nature. If any-
one were to ask, why one
is so blasé about equal-
might be cited?
E.M. Forster
op. posth.
Joe Collier
Heading into another
American election cy-
cle, we prepare to
count the innocents
who still take their
place at the polls.
Like rodeo riders,
or wildlife restored
to its habitat, we
should think of as-
signing them numbers
or banding them. A
fairer way of track-
ing what becomes of
their participation
in this democracy,
than looking at the
people they empower.
The high pool is
always steaming.
What witch will
rise up on the
white sunset?
What purple fo-
liage will des-
Jean-François-Arthur Rimbaud
Les illuminations
Fragments of Folio 12
John Ashbery
op. cit.