Sunday, March 13, 2016

Arm music ii

The weekend ending today
saw the most fecklessly
out-of-his-depth pretend-
er to the Presidency, de-
livering the apposite sum-
mation of the most degen-
erate mess to which any-
one living has seen an A-
merican political party
sink. We are losing our
Republic, Rubio said. Yet
still there are the mo-
tions to go through, of
dividing up the spoils of
this least republican of
parties. Donald Trump is
expected to defeat Rubio
in his home state, and
lumber on to a Convention
desperate to bar the door.

The longtime writer for The
New Yorker, Adam Gopnik (The
Table Comes First, Paris to
the Moon) cut best, I be-
lieve, through the odd deni-
als of who is responsible
for Donald Trump, in an es-
say I link below. Trump is,
Gopnik argues, not because
there is anger in his demo-
graphic, which he inflames,
but because he offers solu-

This weekend we saw Trump's
volatile but carefully cal-
ibrated escalation of inten-
tional incivility reaching
a crescendo suggesting com-
plete confidence, now, in
taking over the Republican
Party. "Violence" is its

Every website of serious an-
alysis one could visit was
dominated by one hate-filled
portrait after another, and
all of the same discolored
face. How long Donald Trump's
face remains the logotype of
that Party is anyone's guess.
Whether it should become ours
or not, the world has watched
its emergence, and probably
has framed contingency plans
for the loss of our republic.

Here, it seems only Trump is
comparably prepared. His sol-
ution, meanwhile, is working.

Adam Gopnik
  Dodging the Blame
  for Donald Trump
March 9, 2016
The New Yorker
Condé Nast, 2016©

Glen Heppner
This way


  1. You are such an imbecile: Trump escalated nothing - the "Bernie! Bernie!" crowd escalated a peaceful rally into a near riot.

    1. Exhibit A, fury at exhibition, itself, converged with Exhibit B, lamentation of powerlessness, to achieve Exhibit C, promise of redemption of court costs. If we can't call this an escalation, we can certainly call it a mechanical sequence. But please don't lose heart, the prettiest aperçu is yet to lay itself before us: if campaigning is a courtship, what does it say of Trump's rise, that it relies on so much impotency? And shall we like it?
