Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Machine for growing

My college introduced me to the
architect, Michael Graves, when
I was exploring resources in an
intimate library, on the second
floor of the School. A more sty-
lish proponent of style seldom,
if ever, glided in and out with
his entourage of well-distract-
ed glances. "Michael" was among
the most admired junior figures
in an environment dedicated al-
most too fortunately to growing
them, in vintage after vintage.

In Vers une architecture (1923)
Le Corbusier produced more epi-
grams per page than any of that
legion of imitators whom we ap-
preciate for exactly his nerve.
A machine for living, has every
day thereafter been the critic-
al standard for appraising dom-
estic architecture. Here is the
entry to Michael Graves' resid-
ence in Princeton. It is now to
become the property of a new, a
different school for growing up
in architecture, and I am sorry
that my college turned it down,
in an act of mislaying the true
verve of inspiring personality,
in the growth of our inquiries.

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