Saturday, April 14, 2018

Demagogue of the Day, deposed

No, we couldn't believe it, either.
Joe DiMaggio batted safely in 56
straight games, one season, and
hearts sank, worldwide, when that
string was broken. Now, despite a
wonderfully full-throated roar of
self-praise (from the usual source)
for the most flamboyantly innocuous
act of righteous power since Gener-
al McClellan led the armies of the
American Union, a new claimant of
Demagogue of the Day recognition
has hit the ball out of the park.

A little context, for our innocent friends:
The United States is really a rather loose
association of 50 polities of scant mutual
interest, outside of resisting meddling by
the nation; and the education of children
is reserved to their sovereign negligence.

One such polity is called, Kentucky, a bas-
tion of poverty in every parameter except
the proof of its beverage and the hooves of
its thoroughbreds. The Governor, a Republic-
an of impeccable imbecility, has been at war
with educators and their ilk, and has drawn
repeated lines in the sand against learning
in public schools. Faced now with uprisings
among the teachers, he denounced their pro-
tests yesterday for causing the guaranteed 
molestation of children, indeed their fatal
poisoning, because the schools are closed.

Now, there's a real, adult male rôle model.

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