Thursday, October 11, 2018

Melting sovereignty

To many of us, the gathering data
of unwonted volatility and degrad-
ation in the planet's climate re-
main no more than symbolically co-
incidental with the rise of the
New American Government. To some,
there are elements of correlation
to admire, because this Rome had
not been built in a day. To a man
stepping out with his dog for a
pre-sunrise walk in the North Am-
erican Mid-Atlantic, an unseason-
able tropicality of the humid rain
from the Gulf of Mexico set a jar-
ring counterpoint to the falling
of acorns in their path. How odd,
one does have to admit, that in a
pentecostal surge of nativism in
world politics, our diverse ter-
roirs are intermingling with a
radicalism that many will find,
ironic, but which some have long
been charting as coherent effects.

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