Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday nibbled sleeve xi: Frank Bruni and vituperation

Columnists seem to be writing much
more about their personal lives and
their families these days, than be-
fore. I mean, I know that like Frank
Bruni, Liebling liked to eat, but in
skewering a hypocrite I'd say their
difference is telling. In his col-
umn of this weekend, Bruni defends
the sovereignty of his sexuality
without failing to touch upon fear
for a remaining eye and love for his 
mother. I don't know about Liebling,
but I think hypocrisy fared no bet-
ter for his omission of these facts.

Their difference must be found in
triumphs Bruni has achieved, to ad-
dress hypocrisy with pitilessness.
He gives it the grammatically pre-
carious term, hate, but it's plain-
ly a failure of faith that he means.

Shakespeare avoided this confusion
with Caesar, and Liebling with Long.
His are insights of a double-edged 
kind. But who doesn't need to work
on the precariousness of the senses
when the passions are their author?

Frank Bruni
Hate is so much big-
  ger than Trump
The New York Times
August 10, 2019

Farrow & Ball
Picture Gallery Red
  and Mahogany No. 36
Dorset, England

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