Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pascal on the morning tide

La seule chose qui nous console de nos misères est le divertissement,
et cependant c'est la plus grande de nos misères,
car c'est cela qui nous empêche principalement de songer à nous,
et qui nous fait perdre insensiblement.

Sans cela, 
nous serions dans l'ennui, et cet ennui nous pousserait
à chercher un moyen plus solide d'en sortir. 
Mais le divertissement nous amuse . . 
et nous fait arriver insensiblement à la mort.



  1. my "revenge" to US political developments: I chose this day to add a link to your blog!

  2. On peut préciser que le divertissement (entertainment) tel que le conçoit Pascal inclus le Travail (Work) !

  3. Claude, in proposing a dichotomy between diversion and means of deliverance, Pascal was denouncing the peril of misery, itself - that its delectability overwhelms all other considerations. In statecraft, nothing could be more reprehensible than the reduction of a populace to enthusiasts for misery, or more immaculate in its confession of degeneracy than the announcement by that faction's leader, that his primary goal is the destruction of the head of state.

    Which brings us to the other comment. I was not chastised more to get this right than by this sovereign gentleness.
