Thursday, September 6, 2018

What goes around

The lyric, ain't we got fun, can
seldom have leapt so elatedly to
the tongue, as it does on a day
when the riotously witty history
by Gore Vidal, of the stunningly
in America of 1876, casts a ben-
eficent light upon the collapse
of confidence in an incumbent of
a habitually horse-traded Office.

Here, we recall, is the template
for those necessary, showily fas-
tidious negotiations which will
be necessary to invoke the 25th
Amendment to the Constitution -
our little steam valve for mani-
fest incapacity. And yet, and
yet, the Republicans must strike
fast if they wish to extract com-
passion of Democrats, on the eve
of their flight out of Egypt. A
Pence in the White House is an
irony too far, for anyone on the
verge of escape from a pharaonic 
theocracy; and yet if the transi-
tion required it, what consider-
ation might check and balance it?

Merrick Garland on the Supreme
Court, for openers.

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