Thursday, April 18, 2019

Scrubbing commandments, not washing feet

Everyone seems to be bracing himself
this Maundy Thursday for the New Am-
rican Government's Revisionist Ver-
sion of the Special Counsel's Report
on the most recent Presidential elec-
tion and its monstrous aftermath. The
day could not be better selected, in
view of how militantly sectarian the
New American Government is, because
it's an occasion to recall our Lord's
final commandment to love one's neigh-
bor, and act with the humility He ex-
emplified in the washing of our feet.

(These are not widely cited features
of the doctrine of the NAG, but we
have grounds to anticipate their re-
collection soon enough).

The state of law and language on the
American scene today is more than e-
nough to compel the most diligent re-
sort to that groveling state of beg-
gary for human correction, which is
widely mistaken as prayer, when the
personal mastery of the flinch, or
the occasional wince, will have to
do. The country is divided: the es-
tablishment, which is perfectly 
willing to preside over the decline
of the language, if it may resume
its rule; and the roundheads, who
haven't met a lie they don't adore,
provided it screws everything up.

This morning's release of the rem-
nants of the roundheads' feast on
the facts recounted in  a cava-
lier's Report, should be enough to
guide us into Good Friday with the
brazenest fanfares of ecstatic mis-
representation. Recognize them?

Mattia Pecchini 
  x Ira Giorgetti

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