Saturday, July 13, 2019

Moving again, white

We rediscover that the problem of
the whites is that they shift, or
are subject to shifts in various
adventitious illuminations (inter-
pretive sources, if you like), and
their assimilation anywhere is on-
ly transitory. Oh, here we go again,
although the pluralism of the condi-
tion commands little to no sympathy.
Plop the whites in a garden, thrust
them into the street or the sky, and
their variation is dismissed as vain.

Eventually, however, there may come 
a relocation, a move, which acquaints
the itinerant white with ages of fal-
sification by pigmentation. Could it
be, that reinscriptions of a hue are
created in these mobilizations, less
aggregating themselves than finally
exposing their distortion? What was
the matter with Aeneas, do you sup-
pose, to have recorded no conscious-
ness of his whiteness in his travels,
if not the wit not to believe in it?

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