Monday, December 13, 2010

One Monday in Advent

apologies to D-H and MS

It could hardly have been worse

First the silver disappeared
Then the family portrait fell from the wall

Then it rained through the roof 
on Grandpa

Then Dorothy disgraced herself with the chauffeur

Then the piano teacher
stiff as a pole
was found beneath the concert grand

Then the car spluttered and stopped

The toy train was derailed

The chickens clucked their last

All the bulbs exploded

Someone started playing 
the trombone

That really was too much

Alfred Brendel
One Finger Too Many
Richard Stokes, English language assistant
Random House, 1998©

Ludwig van Beethoven
Opus 126, Allegro in G major
Alfred Brendel
Philips, 1984©



  1. You never told me that the piano teacher was Greek!

  2. When this becomes necessary I shall probably have to tell you he's hot. But you'll need a note from home permitting you to receive that information.
