Monday, January 31, 2011

Yet into every day

a little fatuousness 
must fall?

I hope this page has not been stingy with its regard for this young professional. But if this is not Joe Gargery’s notion of how to dress for calling on Pip in London, then David Lean did not film Great Expectations, Addison did not write the Coverley Papers, and little rotters are not famous for out-growing a season's sailor suit. 

Mind you, this comes to us from Gucci, so it may be excused an air of hand-me-down, given its heirloom price. If ever a chance to condemn the celebration of this gender at its apogee were to present itself more openly, Whit offers to pay for the duds from his own trust. Meanwhile, at least we have ankles to nip.

Mathias Lauridsen
Paris, 2011


  1. no matter what you say... velvet goes with Mathias!

  2. As Sauce Nantua with a mousse de brochet, my child - as who can ever forget! But, still, as in all gastronomy, preparation and service are as pertinent as ingredients. Here, the concoction has been left to swelter too long under the salamandre, the arms pinching, the waist rising, giving suspicion of an invasion of cornstarch. It’s as if someone had admired YSL’s ‘smoking’ and forgotten the gender it was destined for.
