Wednesday, May 29, 2013

An open pander to the southern hemisphere

Having only yesterday celebrated
the seersucker season, I mean to
inflict no more than routine dis-
orientation upon the friends of
this page, in snapping up a wor-
sted for our friends across the
Equator. I did avoid saying, be-
neath, but only because I was on
my mark at the moment. I'm sure,
I've lapsed into that hierarchic-
al frame of reference for which
we would like to deny credit to
discredited imperialisms, espec-
ially inasmuch as we accept Sr
Magellan's hypothesis, that in
a round-ish sort of globe, we
know no up, no down. We care-
fully do not express astonish-
ment, that Australians don't
fall off.

But I have to share with you,
the dismaying failure of this
publication to engage, in any
constant way, the subordinate
hemisphere. You can't possibly
know, my delight to find Peru,
lighting up on my blogger map;
I've already remarked, on south
east Asia. Only the other day,
India reported a sighting, and
I supposed Terestchenko was on
some romantic shoot behind our
backs, or an engineer from Ham-
burg had been called to consult
with Jaguar's new proprietors.

Now, silent, India reverts to
form, and Peru is sealed away.
So I present this stalwart im-
pression of counter-seasonal
attire, in sympathy for the
cooling sector of our orb, in
hope that no one minds if we
have warmth. One can't be too

Kevin Flamme

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