When last we left our vigilant, cheery Conservatives, they were posturing in the yard, disposed upon a rifle muzzle for a shooting stick, boasting of hiding our concealed handguns from the police. That rarity of cheek deserves, need I say, to be balanced by a nod to the breed's flair for the derivative, which I don't think can be better exposed than by a nifty undergraduate computer scan of their works - never neglecting broadcast transcripts - for quotations handed down to them from the real Augustan age. Or, one could simply plop one of their toadies into a club chair in a lobby bar, and ply his downy maw with trendy physic.

I know of only two ways .. One is sodium chlorate, which
kills everything in the ground, and seeps, carrying its
universal death, in all directions, and leaves the ground
poisoned for six months; the other is digging them up,
root by root, and all their subterranean tentacles. This
is by far the best way, and very therapeutic to the mind
if it is congested by such extraneous matter as Oriel
College, the Provost, Wyclif, Watergate, etc. Of course
they come again, but fewer, and then you have the pleas-
ure of a further spell of therapy.
Trevor-Roper goes on to implore Catto's patience with a number of scholarly questions then confounding him, for lack of genuineness in documents entrusted to his authentication. Then, elegantly, he closes his letter with reference to a lately published denunciation of one pompous poseur by another -- I enjoyed the phrase, 'her ego-ism was a bore'. Here, unwittingly, Trevor-Roper endows our talkshow twits of American Conservatism with a phrase from the satires of Juvenal, which you may rely implicitly on hearing recited very soon, given the recent publication of these letters. A free jpg of my dog's first birthday party, to the intrepid reader who first roots this out. Living in the country, I have no Fox.
Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes?
Who could endure the Gracchi
complaining of sedition?
Hugh Trevor-Roper
27 August 1973©
27 August 1973©
Richard Davenport-Hines
and Adam Sisman, editors
op. cit.
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