Wednesday, December 23, 2015

If Paris is worth a Mass

could one spare
one's pants for
a Mouton?

She'd met the French Rothschilds because 
Jacob Rothschild, of the English Roths-
childs, was the son of Barbara Hutchinson 
by her first marriage and Maro's mother 
knew her; and Jacob had introduced Maro to 
his cousin Beatrice, when she had gone to 
Paris to study. One day, Wolfgang Reinhardt 
came for drinks at the Rothschild house on 
the Avenue Marigny. Wolfie was a film pro-
ducer, said Maro. Her mother had had an af-
fair with him when John Huston was shooting 
his movie on Freud [with Montgomery Clift, 
need I say; Ed.]. 

When Wolfgang appeared, 
Beatrice told Maro that unfortunately she 
couldn't stay for lunch, because she was 
wearing trousers. Her parents always in-
sisted that women wear skirts at meals. 
Wolfgang told Maro: come with me and I'll 
give you lunch with Sartre instead.

Matthew Spender
A House in St John's Wood
  In Search of my Parents
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2015©

Michelangelo Antonioni
Monica Vitti
Alain Delon

Evan Harman

Wishbone in Baccarat
Photo Laurent

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