Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday commute clxxiv: Travel for breakfast

The party had spread out to visit
the further corners of the site
but Deeds, who knew from old not
to waste time, headed me across
the meadows towards a pleasant
little bar where we celebrated ..

"It was a very singular sound he
made," said Deeds. "Like a bumble
bee in a bottle. I heard it from
a great distance. It sounded like
the bees in Agamemnon's tomb."

Miss Lobb walked about with a
pleasant air of having done her
duty. The two old apple-people
sat down in a clump of bushes
and began to eat fruit which the
old man peeled with a small pock-
et knife. They were radiant, ab-
solutely without fear of the un-
derworld. The Bishop had recovered
his composure and was once more
pacing about the temples and be-
having as if he were suspicious
about being overcharged for them.

Roberto, still shaken, drank Coca-
Cola. Mario blew his sudden horn
at last and we awoke to action
once more.

Lawrence Durrell
Sicilian Carousel
Viking, 1977©

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