Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday commute xiv

  Doing the reading, 

  is to be in the same
  place on the same   
  slope, acquainted
  with difference.

Quarry studies
Jürgen Bergbauer
  via Lionel André


  1. To be bluntly honest ere and out of character, homme # 1 is my future ex-husband!

  2. Don't you feel, David, that with a project as drearily communal and obligatory as "doing the reading" (as opposed to, reading), it helps to put a sympathetic face on it? I think this was the genius of the first Symposium, and I never doubted that it was of mine. :)

  3. I did my reading!
    Will I get a kiss now?

  4. It has come up once, and possibly twice before, that an observant comment has compelled an editing of an entry. I was very reluctant to destroy enigma and reduce the range for interpretation in this entry, with the final illustration. Yet I didn’t want to enable neglect of the sympathetic stimulations and erotic possibilities of an immersion in a common text. There was and is, something to that, as many others have said. But the stones had been selected, for this array and instead of others, as an image to suggest those occasional possibilities. There you are, thanks for the discernment. Don’t let it happen too often!

  5. :)
    Thank God I saved the photo before it was withdrawn!
