Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The present is one of two things

A confusion of excitement and
speculation is the character
we are given of our own time,
because it is easy to say: we
are alleged to know no better. 
Yet we do, and ponder to per-
mit the present to redeem and
shoulder our debt to the past
in generous disposition toward
its natural succession. 

I have a friend who departs
this week from the pursuit of
another degree, in a Miesian
metropolis, to escort his 
sweet and younger sister
through the excitement of her
coming out, in Mississippi.

Here is everything laid up up-
on the levée of our time, to
bring forth the fairest vis-
ion of our future. If I could
glance into that river on the
clock that one would wish, I
would not ever but with hope.
We are really all descended
from this river in some way.

stepping more deliberately
one day into the flux. These 
things surpass impressions, 
charming, darling. The boys
deserve their sisters when
they cede to them the night. 

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