Wednesday, November 28, 2018

English language vacation day

Kindly do not bother me,
because I am one happy
fella. Mississippi just
elected an utterly inane
poster child of Confed-
erate dog whistlers to
the Senate, against an
African American veteran
of progressive governing.
And it wasn't even close.

On top of that - can you
stand it - the President
gave an occasionally on-
the-record interview to
certify conclusively his
imbecility. And it wasn't
even close.

November is a confusion
of holidays, some noted
for their original date,
with some known for our
penchant for long week-
ends, as in the day the
Germans quit the First
World War, and others
known for possibly not
actually happening at
all, as in Thanksgiving.

Here, on the other hand,
was a day that happened:
the most immaculate vaca-
tion ever bestowed by a
suspicious nation upon an
innocent international
language. Let the final
Tuesday in every November
hereafter, be remembered 
for no reliance at all 
upon English as the world
has ever used it before.

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