Did I really fall asleep last
evening, reading John Buchan
stories? Did I really see a
park derelict, claiming to be
a South American president,
disarm 2 assassins while loll-
ing in his underwear in Ned
Leithen's Mayfair flat, with
schoolboy badinage on thor-
oughbred racing?

The capital of the undergarment
is nostalgia and its chaplain is
John Buchan. Snowy as the purely
driven is his past, more formid-
able than vanity is his idolatry
of chums. It's not for us to ask
if it's OK; it goes on and on.
A vigorous Presbyterian, Buchan's
gentleman is almost always wholly
self-made, but of obviously pref-
erred whole cloth, requiring only
a brush with some scoundrel to e-
licit the spark of native flint,
casting a permanent aura which his
kind will decipher, instantly.
The history of the brand name,
Abercrombie & Fitch, is prob-
ably not the fall of man it has
seemed. (I still comfortably wear
several garments I acquired in
college when A&F were yar). The
sale of boytummies on the backs
of boy heroes is not quite new.
gentleman is almost always wholly
self-made, but of obviously pref-
erred whole cloth, requiring only
a brush with some scoundrel to e-
licit the spark of native flint,
casting a permanent aura which his
kind will decipher, instantly.
The history of the brand name,
Abercrombie & Fitch, is prob-
ably not the fall of man it has
seemed. (I still comfortably wear
several garments I acquired in
college when A&F were yar). The
sale of boytummies on the backs
of boy heroes is not quite new.

John Buchan
The Runagates Club
Dedicated to Lady Salisbury
Sing a Song of Sixpence:
Sir Edward Leithen's Story
Houghton Mifflin, 1928©
v Bruce Weber
i et passim Derek
ii Jeremy Young
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