Monday, January 30, 2017

We go home now viii

What we are confronted by, is new
only in technology, not technique.
I'm terribly sorry if antiquity e-
quips one to recall what propagan-
da has so long concealed, that the
President's political Party is not
only adept at intimidation and mis-
information. It feeds on them. So
now the President exploits an im-
plement for keeping his followers,
ignorant and aroused. This is only
faster than the trickling down of
editorials from The Wall Street
Journal, and the club car brood-
ing still in vogue. I refuse the
pretense that Republicans are not
thrilled to have a nitwit at their
disposal, once again. They deified
the first one, and exploited the
pants off the latest one. We may
be repulsed by the face they've
chosen, but you can do only so
much for Dorian Gray.

Scribes who instruct us now, to
be dazzled by the rapidity with
which the vortex extracts our pa-
tience, have been schooled to ex-
tend great patience to vapidity.
Yes, the incumbent is movingly in-
fantile; yes, his bawling resounds
with the speed of summer lightning;
but to forget the entitled Andover
cheerleader and the Hollywood po-
seur would still leave us with the
bare knuckled tyrant from Whittier,
the godfather of their Jim Crow
economy, long before globalism.

Shadows are fallin', and I've been
here all day .. There's not even
room enough, to be anywhere ..

If Republicanism always finds its
idiot, now it's overshot the mark.
They're out of protection to sell.
This creature's landfill is theirs.
His dust is theirs. His ashes, too. 

Bob Dylan
Time out of mind
  Not dark yet

ii  Laurent
     Market Street
       Pride March

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