Friday, June 22, 2018

Suppose it were Friday clvi: Shall we walk upon the waters?

No more than a week precisely,
after declaring North Korea to
be a nuclear threat, no more,
the Prophet proclaimed how he
(who alone can fix things) had
rectified a sociopathic defect
in American immigration tradi-
tions, dating back to the Pres-
idency of the Liberator of Eur-
ope. Not that he had intended
to put all the blame on Dwight
Eisenhower, only to deflect it
all from his obvious innocence.

Now, then, to glue all these
dismembered families back to-
gether again, who all look so
alike. Or, better still: trot
out a model, his human shield,
having applauded his strength.

They are still writing books
on the Nazi seizure of power,
and now we have moved from the
testimony of contemporaries to
the exalted plane of academics.
When we get that far with this
enchanting epoch, there will al-
ways be this press appearance's
gorgeous example, of the genius
of the hero's gift for playing,
surpassingly, an imbecile. And
to think: all anyone ever had to
do, was to have read Huck Finn.

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